>Drew Did anyone see Brian Wilson and his band performing on "Ellen" yesterday (Thursday 9/22)? How did they sound? Did he sit down  for an interview segment? > I saw it. There was no interview. "They" sounded all right, but Brian's singing was not good. It also seemed like he was always on the verge of not remembering the lyrics. First they did "Good Vibrations," and I guess the lyrics he did sing were some kind of original lyrics that pre-dated the ones on the version released 40 years ago (?). They also did "Heroes and Villians" as the credits rolled. I love the Beach Boys as much as anyone. This didn't approach the beauty of the Beach Boys' sound. By the way, I hear there's going to be a Broadway show based on the Beach Boys' songs early next year. One of my regular guitarists is supposed to play in the orchestra. Supposedly, they're going to try to have it sound as much like the records as possible. I also Elvis Costello on Letterman last night. His singing was even worse than Brian's on "Ellen." The song -- "Monkey to Man"? -- seemed to be in a key that was too low for him. I really thought the whole thing was pretty sad, particularly when Letterman came over and said Costello was single-handedly waging a battle to save rock and roll. _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/