Well folks, I think I've found my #1 album this year www.tsool.net http://www.animero.com/warner/tsool/dagensskiva/tsool.html **Well, I don't have the new CD yet. But they played an amazing, fun set at Austin City Limits Festival last Saturday under the blazing sun in the early afternoon. Even Beatle Bob was groovin' along in the pit at the front of the stage. I even got a photo of the lead singer posing with Beatle Bob. The singer waded into the crowd during their set and I'm guessing that the guitarist might have been cursing at him about it ; I'm not sure, I don't know Swedish (lol). I'm not sure if their set was webcast ; Southwestern Bell (SBC) was one of the festival sponsors. You might want to check the Yahoo Launch site to see if the webcasts have been archived. Cheers, Jennifer ** also saw great sets by The Killers, Sloan, Josh Rouse, Ben Kweller, Franz Ferdinand, Pixies, Elvis Costello, David Garza, Wilco ; it was a great lineup this year ; it was much more crowded along with a final blast of summer heat _________________________________________________________________ Check out Election 2004 for up-to-date election news, plus voter tools and more! http://special.msn.com/msn/election2004.armx