Hello Friends.... It's funny. I guess because of the two Ramones films that have been very recently released "Raw" and "Ramones-End Of The Century" I've been doing some heavy reminiscing about the band. I was lucky enough to have seen them way back in the the late 70's when all four original members (including Tommy) were in tact and I saw them probably 20 times after that with Marky on drums. I will never forget the sweat, the lights, the excitement, the VOLUME of being pressed up against the stage at Ramones shows. Every time that I saw them I would say "never again!" because I would be walking around half deaf with a ringing in my ears for the next 3 days but I always went back! There was nothing like them and there never will be. I had no clue that what I was seeing would end up being so significant and influential (to me) and in the general scheme of musical things. I always knew in the back of my mind (even as a young kid when I first saw them) that they were just a LOUD, souped up version of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Kinks, Beach Boys, Spector, 60's Girl Groups etc....in other words "classic rock". They were funny too and they had a lot of heart and class. I really miss them a lot. I hope that that Johnny, Joey and DeeDee knew how much they changed the face of things and how adored they were to a lot of people. I think they did. MB