--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "Robert Sutliff" wrote: > David, > > We're pals and all that but I respectfully and completely disagree with you > on this. I stood outside of my local Borders this morning until they opened > and bought the new Smile. Quite frankly I'm floored how well Brian sings on > it. I think the singing on Wonderful is a trifle weak but otherwise I think > it's terrific. > Yes I know he doesn't have the amazing range he did in 1966 but hell - who > does? McCartney has trouble hitting the high notes now and lets not even > mention Robert Plant. > > Anyway, I think this is easily the best disc I've bought in years. And I'm > very, very familiar with the original versions having owned a myriad of > bootlegs for decades now. Yeah, I knew nobody would agree with me. :-) Don't get me wrong, I truly do love the album, and it will rank very high on my year-end list. I just feel that something of the magnitude and genius of Smile must be the best it can be, and that the level of scrutiny and the standards to which it should be held need be higher than with almost every other album. This is the main reason why I am super-critical of Brian's voice. My level of enjoyment of the album has not been greatly diminished by what I perceive to be Brian's vocal shortcomings; I guess I just can't help but think of what might have been and what could have been. Of course I don't expect Brian to sound like he did in 1966, and sadly Carl is no longer around to pick up the slack, but there are many other people in the Smile camp who could have pulled off the lead vocals much better. Just my opinion…apparently. -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David