Thursday, September 23, 2004 The First Time- It’s On CD Release party The Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto, Ontario, CANADA Doors open at 8:00 Show starts at 09:30 BIO: "You have to go with your gut." It's a simple enough statement from The First Time's Manfred Sittmann, but it has been played out time and again in the last year. "Whether it's the kind of songs you play or the people you want working them, you have to trust your instincts or else you will always be second guessing yourself." Over the last year, the band has had to deal with personnel questions, a new record deal, a new producer, bigger budgets and business decisions. Oh, and in that time they also managed to record their debut CD -- IT'S ON -- a blustery mix of guitar-riffs, big-choruses and the kind of visceral quality that only comes from playing from your guts. In fact, the lead single - New Day Dawning - has already garnered attention from the extreme sports crowd and has been licensed for events on ESPN, SportsNet and the Xtreme Network. Sittmann on guitars and vocals is joined by lead guitarist James Whitton, bassist Mike MacMillan and drummer Stacey Washington, the latter two played together in a previous incarnation of the band. "We had hit a point where we needed some new life," says Sittmann, "and James definitely brought that, both in terms of his playing and his enthusiasm. It definitely rubbed off on the rest of us and I think you can hear it in the music." One of the most prevalent factors was the band's decision to work with award-winning producer Warne Livesey (Matthew Good, The The, 54-40). After creating some initial demos that were sent around, they signed a production deal, one that financially allowed them to enquire about the availability of some top producers. "There was some interest from a few of them, which surprised us a little," says Sittmann. "Suddenly, we were in the position of picking who we wanted." They opted for Livesey, instead of some of the higher profile American producers for one simple reason -- they felt all along that his records sounded the best. "It's funny, because none of us even like Matthew Good that much, but we all feel that his records 'sound' amazing. It was weird turning down someone who's worked with some of the biggest names in the business, but you need to trust your instincts on something like that -- and we have no regrets at all given how this record sounds." It would seem that there is some consensus as the disc has drawn comparisons to the likes of Foo Fighters and Jimmy Eat World, which the band admits can be a double edged sword. "It's nice to get compared favourably to bands you like, but you don't want to be dismissed either." Instead the band uses such comparisons as a sort of vindication for some of the curious conversations they had with various labels, before re-signing with Bullseye. "Some of them said some pretty strange things. Like, one guy said 'this kind of music doesn't sell anymore," says Sittmann with a laugh. "Well, if that's the case, someone better tell those other bands to give back their platinum records. It would seem that some music fans apparently weren't given that memo." PROMO/PUBLICITY & RADIO: Lisa Millar 416-284-7067 For more info check out their website at or Distributed in Canada by FUSION III Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia