AT Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 20:28:02 Eytan wrote: >Me: >I'm no Beatles expert, but (every one of my songs has a bridge and) I don't >get this. Doesn't the bridge actually seem slower, not faster. It even goes >into a kind of psuedo 3/4 time at the end of the lines, kind of like it's >winding down, mimicking the lyrical idea that "there's no time." The bridge IS breaks into a waltz. Try playing it live....without a full compliment of drums, there's no groove to lock into....everyone has to count out the transitions. >Personally, I was never sure I really understood this song anyway. I always >thought the lyrics had a deliberate irony to them. I mean "We can work it >out" if you see it MY way, but if you insist on seeing it YOUR way, then >everything might fall apart. Maybe this isn't deliberate? It's deliberately ironic (if that's possible). The song expouses the virtues of a relationship by dictatorship. Effectively, the narrator is saying, "Look, if you weren't being such a dink and did things the way I told you to we'd have this problem resolved." Randy Bachman used to talk about this in BTO -- he felt a band couldn't be run by committee. It had to be a benign dictatorship or nothing would get done. Someone had to call the shots so that songs/albums/concert plans could move forward instead of stagnating and dying because everyone wanted to go in different directions. Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia