> Worse than continous bad singing along is when, at a concert, someone > (usually female) stands up and starts dancing and swaying a-la-Woodstock Taking the contrarian view, nothing irks me more than going to a concert where the auditence sits there like a bunch a cold fish. Excepting quieter, slower tunes, this stuff was made to dance-to folks. The fact that some of you either have no rhythm, are afraid you might make a specticle of yourself, or grew up on prog rock thus unaware that rock-n-roll is dance music (:>) isn't my problem. Enjoy yourself dammit. Of course concert venues (ie sports arenas) don't provide dance floors, and smaller venues that do have dance floors are filled by folks packed like sardines trying to crowd stage front. Sad really. Hopefully there'll be some space in the back for us (& away from the twirlers - I admit to never getting that at all, must be the shrooms). I know I'm a 60's neanderthol, when "show & dance" was the thing, not concerts, but even today performers enjoy themselves more when folks quit staring into their eyes and just shake, shake, shake. - michael