Andrea wrote: "Has Jupiter Sunrise already been discussed on this list? I found out about them just recently and I am seriously loving what I'm hearing -- beautiful, tight, melodic-yet-crunchy pop." I actually know these guys from way back--Ben Karis used to be in a band called the Orange (he's the singer on "Arthur Nix," which was actually a late-period Orange song) that the Suggestions played with all the time. He and all but one of the other guys were in Albany bands before they relocated to Los Angeles (or somewhere in the Southern LA haze) a few years back. They've been touring a LOT, and they're a really solid band, although I have to admit I prefer Ben's songs over Mark's by a longshot. That's my two cents. By the way, anyone who wants to hear a tune or two from the soon-to-be-released Suggestions album "Getting Through" can head to Rah. jb np: The Decemberists "Her Majesty the Decemberists," "5 songs" and "The Tain" (shuffle mode, yo) ===== John Brodeur THE SUGGESTIONS _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Express yourself with Y! Messenger! Free. Download now.