Today (September 7) is the one year anniversary of the passing Warren Zevon. Zevon was a brilliantly gifted singer songwriter. In 3 minutes he could craft a tongue-in-cheek song of despair: Poor poor pitiful Me"; a gruesome mercenary tale: "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" or even romantic ballads like; "Accidentally like a Martyr" and "Reconsider Me" to the eerily prophetic; "Life'll Kill Ya". Most folks will remember his own top 40 Hit: the hilarious "Werewolves of London." He even wrote a couple of sentimental songs to his Fans: "Mutineer" in 1995 and his grand finale "Keep me in your Heart" in 2003. Warren recorded 15 albums during his career; but he really liked to play Live shows. He performed 12 times at First Avenue in Minneapolis between 1988 and 2000. His Concert's always had a “wild feel” that drew a very unique group of music fans. Zevon would always add Minnesota references during his Live Concerts’. Who could forget hearing the Werewolves: “walking thru Nicollet Mall in the rain”…. while the fans howled the chorus of “Werewolves of London.” I had the pleasure of meeting Zevon several times after his legendary Concerts at First Avenue. He was witty, gracious and always there for his fans. The world lost a great musician one year ago. In honor of Warren: I'm playing only Zevon music all Don Manderfeld