> From: Robert R. Berry > Subject: Re: What's with all the audience singing? > > There have been several occasions when I've had band members > approach me > after a show and tell me how much they appreciated seeing me > singing along. this reminds me of a funny story. Odds were playing Baltimore several years ago. They played a 40min set at Fletchers (I introduced them on stage, still one of the musical highlights of my life). After the set we were all hanging around on their bus and Doug Elliott (bass) said to me he saw one of the coolest things in our audience...he said they always see people singing along to their music, but he saw one guy singing all the harmony parts and he'd never see that before. this guy was ignoring most of the lyrics and doing the "ohhs" and "ahhs". Doug was blown away by how cool it was. As it turned out, the guy doing it was my friend Eric, an audities lurker. heh -kev