You know, at the average gig, it doesn't bother me, and there are times when it's even perfectly appropriate -- a similar mass sing of "Four Seasons In One Day" happened in Boston during the ONE NIL tour a couple years ago, and you can usually count on audience singing at a Polyphonic Spree show -- but it's the context that counts. Club shows in Boston are traditionally miked at a volume just slightly under permanent nerve damage, and someone would have to be singing in my ear with a megaphone before I would hear them over the soundboard. So go ahead, sing all you want. But house concerts, which I attend regularly because of my wife's family and their standing in the local folk scene, are another matter entirely. About a year ago, I was seeing Les Barker, a Scottish singer and poet, in a backyard concert/picnic out in the burbs, and I was stuck behind this one woman who was not only singing along to the songs, but RECITING HIS POEMS ALONG WITH HIM! I eventually took to spitting my watermelon seeds into her hair, so I did get some enjoyment out of the evening. But still. S