A couple of discs that have been receiving maximum rotation in my player recently that many of you would enjoy I feel: 1. Fans of The Byrds, and Rickenbacker 12-string jangle if you are not aware yet of Starbyrd I would recommend you run, not walk to www.starbyrd.org and secure your copy of "On The Other Side Of Mad" today. You will not be disappointed! This is jangle at it's finest. Roger McGuinn is smiling. 2. For those who need to feed their Beatle fix for the day, I recommend Chris O'Neil's - s/t cd. Chris is the former front man with Water, whose two releases are also must listens. Chris also was in Backbeat (George Harrison). www.chrisoneill.org 3. If you have not yet picked up Jeremy's latest releases you are also missing probably his best work to date. I know it's hard to believe how much talent this man has. He has two recent releases that are both excellent. "Lost and Found" - a solo release and also "Two Suns" - a duet with Guill Cazenave (double disc set). The songs are gorgeous. When you consider he also released his album of beatles covers "Yesterday, Today and Forever" earlier this year, one wonders if the man has slept at all. Most artists can't produce this much fine material in a lifetime, let alone with one year. www.jamrecordings.com Notlame carries these also. www.notlame.com 4. Third Dimension's new release "Permanent Holiday" is also a very good listen. If you enjoyed their first one you can't miss picking this one up also. Fans of Soundtrack of Our Lives & Swedish pop should also enjoy. Bruce and Jeremy may both be carrying this one (not sure) but it's put out on the Hidden Agenda label through Parasol for sure. www.parsol.com Back to lurk mode. Keith Cook