Pilot County Suite is great, but brand new it ain't. I got to hear of it on this list in May/June 2003 - at the time it was hella difficult to get hold. It's not on Not Lame but on Scott (Minus Five) McCaughey's minuscule Book Records imprint, a fact which can't have helped it on its way to an appreciative audience one iota. Bruce has it in stock now. The title track is, as Jason says, knock down brilliant, think a Kentucky Fried 'A Quick One While He's Away' and keep going. Of the remaining tracks, 'Words Can't Even Say' is the standout for me, and as precise a definition of 'that which floats my boat' as anything I've heard cut this side of 1966. Keen to know what Messrs Ramberg & Co are up to at this very moment. Steve R Blighty DanAbnrml9@aol.com wrote: > In a message dated 9/4/2004 11:07:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, > audities-owner@smoe.org writes: > > << Is the album this good?>> > > > > Every time one of the songs from "Tell the Kids the Cops Are Here" > pops up > in my ipod I get this supreme nostalgia for summer 2002 (why I'll > never know, that wasn't a great summer for me). Either way I'd > venture to say that placing > it as my #6 album of that year was probably not good enough; if I > reevaluated that list then it would almost certainly be higher > today. Plus it's a NotLame disc! Absolutely, totally, completely buy > it, and if you love it buy "Pilot County Suite" which is a brand new > single (though it's an 11-minute suite) backed with like 10 rarities > from the sessions from that album and the one before. It's a great > pick for someone looking for something pitched about > halfway between the first Fountains of Wayne album and the dB's "The > Sound of Music" --Jason