Since several more birthday wishes came in since the last time I posted, I want to thank everyone again for wishing me a Happy Birthday! I'm really touched (some would say "touched in the head", but that's another story), and extremely flattered. --- In, DanAbnrml9@a... wrote: > And David, is your birthday the 2nd or 3rd? I'm only asking because mine was > the second ;-) --J Jason, as Craig Leve mentioned, like his and yours I was born on September 2, but no doubt many years before you and a few before Craig. And no, sadly The Beagle reissue has not come to fruition, but you can still find their CDs on eBay (I think Luke "feartech" Jackson has some up there now!) -- Grandpop Rules????? Take Care, David (n.p. Tears For Fears 'Everybody Loves A Happy Ending'). So far so good!