That IS a really good song. And I just realized that I MUST OWN the Dion box set. For that one, and a billion others. Jake Beamer Producer, project manager > >Growing up in England, every now and then I'd hear something on the radio >that knocked my socks off but turned out to be hard to find on record. >"Pretty Ballerina" was one of those - so was "Solitary Man", the first song >I ever heard by Neil Diamond. But the song that eluded me for years - to >the extent that I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined the whole thing >- was "My Girl the Month of May" by Dion. > >Over time, I asked many many people about this song - radio DJs, people in >the music business, obsessed fans of 60s music - and nobody knew what I was >talking about. I couldn't remember too much of it either - just the line >about the month of May and the way the background vocals came in "ba ba ba >ba ba baa ba ba baa" (if you know the song you'll know what I'm talking >about) - which didn't help ... > >Then, at the very end of 2000, the Dion box set came out and - finally - >vindication!! The last track on disc 1 was my personal holy grail of >music. And, thank goodness, it was just as good as I remembered! > >So if I had to pick just one song, that would be it - by virtue of the fact >that I never forgot it, despite not hearing it for 35 years. > >Belated happy birthday to David Bash - see you in Liverpool, oh great >behatted one!! > >Jennie Barnett > > _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!