Growing up in England, every now and then I'd hear something on the radio that knocked my socks off but turned out to be hard to find on record. "Pretty Ballerina" was one of those - so was "Solitary Man", the first song I ever heard by Neil Diamond. But the song that eluded me for years - to the extent that I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined the whole thing - was "My Girl the Month of May" by Dion. Over time, I asked many many people about this song - radio DJs, people in the music business, obsessed fans of 60s music - and nobody knew what I was talking about. I couldn't remember too much of it either - just the line about the month of May and the way the background vocals came in "ba ba ba ba ba baa ba ba baa" (if you know the song you'll know what I'm talking about) - which didn't help ... Then, at the very end of 2000, the Dion box set came out and - finally - vindication!! The last track on disc 1 was my personal holy grail of music. And, thank goodness, it was just as good as I remembered! So if I had to pick just one song, that would be it - by virtue of the fact that I never forgot it, despite not hearing it for 35 years. Belated happy birthday to David Bash - see you in Liverpool, oh great behatted one!! Jennie Barnett