Any opinions on some CDs I just picked up from the $1-2 used bins? I grabbed a big whole bunch of stuff on sale recently, and will be listening to the CDs that I know I will like for probably the next few weeks or so. After that, I'll start into the following batch of CDs that I picked up (for the most part) just because I've seen the artist's name mentioned on this here list. Ken Stringfellow - Touched The Webstirs - Rocket to the Moon The Muffs - s/t Swag - Catch All Farrah - Moustache Boy Wonder (Paula Kelley) - Wonder-Wear Fuzzy Comets - Strong Man Sugar - File Under Easy Listening Young Fresh Fellows - It's Low Beat Time/Doc Sharpie Is a Bad Man (??) Edwyn Collins - I'm not Following You The Katydids - Lights Out (CD 3 song EP/single)