Went to downtown Los Angeles last night for The Cover Problem, a musical tribute of sorts to LA led by Stew (of the Negro Problem) and a backing band that included Adam Marsland. All or most of the songs were about LA or written by someone from LA although the arrangements were quite unique. "LA Woman" was melded with the tune of "Secret Agent Man," "Hotel California" was to the tune of "In A Gadda Da Vida," and "Suspicious Minds" was to the tune of "My Sharona" are just some of the examples. Some worked, some didn't but at least the effort was made to present familiar songs in an unfamiliar way. Between every three songs or so there was a reading of a poem or from a book about LA. The venue for this show was in a courtyard between several highrises, with a pond separating the audience from the stage and with fountains in back of the stage. I had to leave before it ended but could hear Stew's rendition of "Welcome to the Jungle" echoing from the buildings as I made my way to the street.