In a message dated 8/29/2004 12:03:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: <<>I went to a BBQ today and not only was Michael Shelley there but so was >Glenn Tilbrook's manager/publisher. She said he's had a new solo album out >since June. Maybe I'm out of it, but did people mention that, and was it >good? People did mention it, and as far as I could gather, critical opinion both here and in the outside world can best be summed up as: eh.>> I guess it depends... if you're like me and are the type of Squeeze fan who owns all the albums, and counts lesser-known fare like "Frank" in your favorites, then you'll probably find it's worth your money. And despite some fairly strong songwriting and an overall more cohesive vibe than his first solo album, a good deal of it seems to pass by somewhat inoffensively. I like it and am glad I bought it, but then again I own all the Squeeze albums anyway--anything voiced by Tilbrook is a definite "buy" for me. It just probably won't make my year-end top 10 like his last one did. BTW I just returned from my trip to London and Athens. I want to thank everyone who gave me some great record-store recommendations: While I didn't have time to go to all of them, and the disastrous exchange rate curtailed most of my impulses, I did come home with a nice little pile. And even when I didn't buy anything, it was great to browse in stores where the offerings were so much different than we have back in the US. Unfortunately, due to a bad set of circumstances, I missed the ever-important Rough Trade store. We went to visit a friend who conveniently moved from Boston to Notting Hill just three weeks ago, and he definitely didn't *get* "record shopping" as an idea (quote: "I'd imagine they're selling pretty much the same stuff as back home...") so I didn't want to push him around too much, just stopping briefly in the stores along Portobello Road (of which there didn't seem to be many, actually). But it also means I didnt even look at my notes to find that Rough Trade is located just a half block OFF Portobello Road, so I missed it entirely. Oh well... I saved some money, and since he lives only two blocks away maybe I'll visit sometime and take a walk over.--Jason