Hey Everyone, I've been listening to the new reissue by The Mice, called For Almost Ever Scooter. The Mice were a band from Cleveland who'd released an EP and album in the mid '80s (For Almost Ever Scooter is the combination of the titles of the two original discs), both of which are extremely sought after-I remember Jordan Oakes had one of them up on eBay with a minimum bid of something in the neighborhood of $50... The first songs on this CD, which are those from the For Almost Ever EP, could easily pass for Material Issue "International Pop Overthrow" outtakes. It's almost uncanny how much lead vocalist Bill Fox (yeah, *that* Bill Fox, the one who had two CDs on SpinArt in the late '90s) sounds like Jim Ellison (which, given that these songs were recorded before those of MI, should be stated the other way around, really). The songs from the Scooter LP introduce a slight bit of the folk element that would mark Bill's later work, but it's still power pop all the way. Lots of Auditeers will really love this CD! Check it all out at http://www.scatrecords.com/mice.htm -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David