Although I have no use for most of Heart's music, I really liked most of their 70s debut "Dreamboat Annie", some of "Little Queen", and occasional other songs in the years that followed. So I my curiousity was piqued when I learned the Wilson sisters are big Beatles fans (i.e. Fans of the Beatles in a big way, this was by no means a crack at Ann's size!), further piqued upon seeing them in the televised Brian Wilson tribute a few years back, and still further piqued by seeing an ad for them at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach last week - the ad announces an upcoming show of "Heart and Lennon", and there in the group photo is Darian S from Wondermints and Wilson fame! So what is Heart doing these days? Who is this Lennon - a tribute show by Heart, an unrelated opening act of the name, Julian, or a resurrection of Saint John from the dead? And are Heart enjoyable to the pop fan now, judging by Kerry's email below? Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:05:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Kerry Kompost To: Subject: Re: Debbie Shair Message-ID: <> Arthur Bang wrote: > I was pleased to see that Debbie > from Marizane plays keyboards on > several tracks. Nipper and I just caught Debbie playing keyboards and singing with the one and only Heart the other week, and she was incredible (I believe she's filling in for Darian Sahanaja whilst he's off Brian Wilsonizing). There was a segment of the show where all the 'boy' band members left the stage, leaving only the girls: Ann, Nancy and Deb. The three of them proceeded to sing some absolutely mind-blowing 3-part harmonies on several classic Heart songs. Unreal, spine-tingling stuff. Thanks to Deb, we got to hang out with the band after the show, and we had a total blast. The current Heart bassist, Mike Inez (Alice in Chains, Ozzy), was a totally bitchin' dude -- he shared his bottle of Crown Royal with me! Rockstars, you gotta love 'em. Gotta score that Lisa Mychols disk.... kErrY kOMpOsT