I saw the new doc on The Ramones today. It was certainly not that informative for anyone who knows anything about the Ramones. It was superficial on almost every level. There is some interesting stuff about the clash of personalities in the band -- nothing new there, either -- but even that could have been handled with more depth. Sometimes the film even does a poor job of explaining the actual chronology of events, and there's no analysis of what supposedly made the music unique. The most interesting thing is that everyone basically thinks that everyone else's contribution was not essential; at one point Johnny says that he could play with a different drummer, a different bassist, a different singer and a different producer, and it would still be the Ramones. (In this context it was ironic that they never brought up the rumor that they often used additional guitarists in the wings to augment Johnny's sound.) _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200415ave/direct/01/