Hey Anna, This is on the Indie 103.1 local music show right? .. I still haven't checked that out yet, but it's great that they're playing "our" kind of music. I know they've been spinning the new Dollyrots disc for awhile too. And since it aired on the local music show, there's a good chance that you'll hear it during regular hours as well. They take the best songs each week and throughout the day play selected tracks from the local show.. Congrats to Eugene and Sparklejets.. Maybe we need to send them a couple of discs a week from people they should know.. hehe Arthur http://www.thepickle.net/ Anna Borg wrote on 8/23/2004, 12:01 AM: > > Anyway, tonight, they played "Love Burn" early on in > the show, and the DJ raved about it. Then, they > played TWO tracks off the Eugene Edwards cd and I > could practically feel the love oozing out of the > speakers, the DJ was very into it.