I tend to agree with Greg on this. I like Eugene's disk. He's obviously talented as a guitarist, songwriter and singer, but I found I did not love the disk nearly as much as I thought I would and I think it is for the same reasons stated by Greg. I also hear too much direct EC influences in the songs for me to feel that this disk is something completely fresh or totally original (or is not something I have heard before). I still plan on seeing Eugene and Cliff play in Lancaster, PA this fall. I would like to check out his guitar work in a live setting. Mark E. :) > > > OK, I'll bite. Well played, well produced, catchy songs and a nice disc to > drop in the #1 slot on Mr. Edwards resume. Also, much admiration and > respect to those list members involved in bringing this product to market > and spreading the word through tours, etc. > > Having said that (and I DO like the disc), I don't think this will make my > Top 10 this year. To my ears, the Costello influence (circa My Aim is True, > This Years Model, Armed Forces) just bubbles too near the surface and > becomes distracting at times. Granted, that's a pretty nice starting point, > but I hope he distills those influences down some in the future. > > I wonder if some of this attitude comes from my age. Born in 1959, I was > too young to be interested in the Beatles during their run. So today, if I > hear something that is heavily Beatles influenced, I tend to find "new" > things in it to capture my interest. But I was a full-fledged punk in > 77-79, and devoured all the Costello LP's. When I hear someone attempting > to update the early Elvis sound, I tend to think "been there, done that". > And I'm probably too quick to dismiss. > > My problem, your mileage will vary. I like the disc, as will 90+% of > Auditees. I hope Anna and all the others will continue to support Gene and > provide the infrastructure necessary so we can enjoy his growth. > > greg > >