>As a result, I'm just going to keep sending out these little notes until >people DO start talking >about him :) OK, I'll bite. Well played, well produced, catchy songs and a nice disc to drop in the #1 slot on Mr. Edwards resume. Also, much admiration and respect to those list members involved in bringing this product to market and spreading the word through tours, etc. Having said that (and I DO like the disc), I don't think this will make my Top 10 this year. To my ears, the Costello influence (circa My Aim is True, This Years Model, Armed Forces) just bubbles too near the surface and becomes distracting at times. Granted, that's a pretty nice starting point, but I hope he distills those influences down some in the future. I wonder if some of this attitude comes from my age. Born in 1959, I was too young to be interested in the Beatles during their run. So today, if I hear something that is heavily Beatles influenced, I tend to find "new" things in it to capture my interest. But I was a full-fledged punk in 77-79, and devoured all the Costello LP's. When I hear someone attempting to update the early Elvis sound, I tend to think "been there, done that". And I'm probably too quick to dismiss. My problem, your mileage will vary. I like the disc, as will 90+% of Auditees. I hope Anna and all the others will continue to support Gene and provide the infrastructure necessary so we can enjoy his growth. greg