Tonight saw the launch of our "It Was 40 Years Ago Today: A Tribute To The Beatles" CD compilation LIVE at Club 279 (The Hard Rock Cafe) in Toronto. Wow! What a show....which exceeded even my expectations. Special thanks to all the on-stage participants - Michael White (of Led Zeppelin fame) was ring-leader for the group of session players (primarily from the Classic Albums Live performance series) who were spot on with their renditions of a dozen wild and woolly Beatles covers. I was lucky enough to be able to sing lead vocals with these guys on "Good Morning, Good Morning" (which rivalled the Lola's version for sheer bombast) and "Magical Mystery Tour". Meanwhile, both my brother-in-law Jef Leeson sang ("Penny Lane") as did my sister-in-law Moe ("Oh Darling", "I Saw Her Standing There") and phenomenal guest performances by The Kings doing "For No One", Alison Solo ("Paperback Writer") and Michael White himself who tackled "Got To Get You Into My Life", "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" and the Cockeresque "With A Little Help From My Friends" featuring a dozen extra vocalists all singing like girly-men on the harmonies --- complete with horn section!! Highlight of the night was the impromptu reunion of The Anger Brothers featuring Greg Godovitz and Bob Segarini (glad to have up there, Bib!!)....Jeff Jones of Red Rider doing "I've Just Seen A Face" with ex-Carpet Frog Steve Jensen, The First Time (formerly Soap Opera) doing a gothic re-enactment of "Eleanor Rigby", and Terry Draper of Klaatu attempting the only truly solo performance of the night with a perfect piano rendition of "Til There Was You". Great to see old friends, including Ray Paul Klimek who drove all the way in from Rochester to catch the show. We videotaped the performance....hopefully we caught the best moments for a future release of some kind! :-) Jaimie Vernon, President, Bullseye Records Author, Canadian Pop Music Encyclopedia