At 11:03 PM 8/26/2004 -0500, Michael Bennett wrote: >Kevin Tihista - he's no longer just an artist I'm interested in hearing. >He's now someone I must hear. On this third record, it really comes >together for him. If Elliot Smith and Harry Nilsson had a baby.... Having been extremely disappointed by Kevin Tihista's earlier records after having a couple dozen people tell me how much I'd love them, I have to say that WAKE UP CAPTAIN is the first of his albums that's come close to realizing his potential. While it shares some of the flaws of the earlier records (he still needs an editor both in the too-lengthy songs and the too-overstuffed arrangements), the stretch between "Family Curse" and "Yummy" (tracks 9 through 14) would make a hell of an EP. S