I'm curious as to who was in the lineup for Grin. For three of their four albums there were only three members, one of whom (the bass player who name escapes me) is now deceased. Nils brother Tom joined for the fourth and final album. I always loved the vocal interplay of Nils and Bob, so that alone would be cool to see. What songs did Grin play? Rich B. > > ------------------------------ > > Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 16:44:15 +0000 > From: robbie.white@comcast.net > To: audities@smoe.org > Subject: Grin Reunion at Stratmore Hall in Rockville > MD > Message-ID: > <082620041644.5274.412E135E000DDC1B0000149A22007358340A9B070899D20A070D0D019D@comcast.net> > > Last night I saw a show that I never thought I would > see - a Grin reunion. The Washington Area Music > Association (WAMA) has been been sponsoring a WAMA > timeline series, having concerts every Wednesday > night for the past few months. Each concert honors a > famous DC-area performer or band. Past tributes > included Bo Diddley (performed by the Nighthawks), > Jimmy Dean, Emmylou Harris and the Slickee Boys. > Last night was a free Nils Lofgren tribute. During > the first hour, performers did versions of Nils > Lofgren songs. The local DC-area performers included > Martha Hull (the first Slickee Boys lead singer and > the wife of Grin drummer Bob Berberich), Eric Brace > (Last Train Home), Tommy Keene (ex-Razz) and Jeff > "Skunk" Baxter (Steeley Dan & the Dobbie Brothers). > When Jeff was introduced, Ronnie Newmeyer said that > he had achieved something that none of the other > performers on stage had achieved - real commercial > success! The second set was Nils Lofgren. His > current band did 2 songs, inclu! > ding a great "Shine Silently", then Grin did about > 7 songs. It was unbelievable. All 3 of Nils' > brothers (including, of course Tom Lofgren with > Grin) played during the first Nils song. His Mom got > up and said how proud she was of all of her sons. > Nils talked about how his high school fiends tried > to talk him out of going pro (he was throwing away > his life), but that his parents totally encouraged > him to follow his musical dreams. It was a great > night, a free show, 75 degrees outdoors under a > clear sky, and great music. Thank you WAMA and the > Stahmore Arts Center. > Robbie White > ------------------------------ > > End of audities-digest V2 #653 (10 msgs) > ********** > _______________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Win 1 of 4,000 free domain names from Yahoo! Enter now. http://promotions.yahoo.com/goldrush