CC: >In my 1994 interviews with The Ramones (which I'm gonna pull out and make >into a book someday), although the tension between the individual members >was >impossible to ignore, it should be noted that Joey made specific mention of >Johnny's unique guitar sound and its vital contribution to The Ramones; by >contrast >(and in keeping with the above), Johnny thought it would be easy and no big >deal to just get another bass player when Dee Dee left. Johnny did admit >he >was wrong on that point, anyway, though C.J. worked out fine as the group's >new >bassist. > I: CC, you've got to do this; sounds like it would be great. A couple of years back I had a debate with a co-worker (who had briefly been some kind of Ramones roadie) about who was more important to the Ramones sound Joey v. Johnny. I picked Joey because I think his voice is unique while Johnny's guitar sound has been copied by others. Anyway, I liked the poppy romantic side of Joey. And anyway, Road to Ruin and End of the Century didn't have the patented guitar barrage but are no less Ramones in my opinion. By the way, Johnny's unique style was supposed to be that he only played downstrokes. Evidently many imitators fail in that they play down and up. Greg: >Want some real behind-the-scenes stuff on da brudders? Check out tour >manager >Monte Melnik's book! And I'm posting from work again, so I don't have the >title >in front of me...but it does have a cool John Holstrom cover... > I: Yeah, I read that book (or most of it) in a book store. Very informative, which is why I say the film is not that informative. By the way, Melnick is in the film but very briefly. _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! ht