Someone whose name I don't know wrote: From: For me the "garage" has always referred to a DIY approach.  So, really, any type of music can have a "garage" style, and when you think about it almost all bands start as "garage" bands.  I add: That's what I always thought: that a garage band would have a rough DIY sound. But it looks like if it sounds too sweet it's not garage band anymore. The VH1 special (or was it MTV? -- whatever!) started referencing the Beatles, Ramones, anyone and everyone; that's why I said it was confusing. But yes, if you look at it like it's anything that Little Steve says is garage, then than makes it clear. The main point seemed to be guys (or girls) with guitars and maybe a farfisa organ. But the real important question is whether ga-RAGE becomes GA-rage in the U.K. Doesn't sound so tough that way! _________________________________________________________________ Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!