A guy I know was "Chubby Morton," the sax playing member of the band. He's got great stories of recording the music and dialog for the show. The band used to play a lot of summer shows at amusement parks and fairs. -----Original Message----- From: audities-owner@smoe.org [mailto:audities-owner@smoe.org]On Behalf Of Beth2459@aol.com Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 1:21 PM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Hardys oh boy, here come the Hardys! oh boy, we're havin' a party! my teenage pal Winifred and I used to crack up at the synchronized guitar moves of the Hardy Boy's cartoon band. Often imitated (addicted to love gals, anyone) but rarely matched. Not to be confused with Shaun & Parker & the occasional foray into music on their show- remember the 2 episode special when they went to Transylvania & ran into Paul Williams? ooooh scary! oh boy! beth (Who has totally been digging Mark Bacino's Million Dollar Milkshake AGAIN this summer,like last. Such fun sunny tunes- if you don't have it your summer soundtrack is missing something!) This email and any attachments contain information from Baker & Taylor which may be confidential, privileged and/or protected by other legal rules. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby advised that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this email is prohibited. If you have received the email in error, please notify us by reply email immediately and then delete the email and your reply from your email system. NOTE: Baker & Taylor accepts no liability for the contents of this email. This email shall not operate to bind Baker & Taylor to any contract, order or other obligation.