I just wanted to put in a quick word for a wonderful orchestrated pop album by timewellspent that we're releasing on Parasol this week. Here are a few early quotes and a link to song samples. Michael "...[timewellspent] possesses a small-scale majesty that's intermittently wondrous.... *The Onion*, July 28, 2004 "...An excellent spin. (Rating: 5+++)." *Baby Sue*, August, 2004 "...a stunning collection of songs...A+." *Power of Pop*, July, 2004, Kevin Mathews "...as precious goes, these songs couldn't get any more so." *Punk Planet*, September/October, 2004 "...the orchestral pop of The Left Banke, Bacharach and Odyssey and Oracle is still seldom heard and less often done well. That makes the debut of this south Florida duo worth picking up on general principles..." *Graffiti Online*, West Virginia, August, 2004 "...[timewellspent's] music has an overall melancholy but a little bit beachy theme and ought to be welcomed warmly by fans of Burt Bacharach and Belle and Sebastian alike." *-30- Music*, August, 2004 http://www.parasol.com/labels/parasol/parcd091.asp