In a message dated 8/8/2004 5:02:05 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << We took a dare on Snow Patrol and it wasn't too bad. >> This album has actually really taken me by surprise. When it first came out, I sort of assumed it was a hard rock/nu-metal thing like Nickelback since the single was called "Spitting Games" and the album art could've just as easily been Seether or something. But someone told me they were brit-pop, and I saw that they put some albums out on Jeepster, so I decided they might be worth a listen after all... and I learned that "Spitting Games" was in fact one of those "that-song-I-hear-on-the-radio-and-really-like-but-I-don't-know-what-it-is" songs. We got an extra promo at work so I snagged it and now I'm listening to it all the time. The power ballad "Run", which is the second single that's finally turning the album into something of a hit, isn't that interesting to me but most of the rest of the disc is pretty fantastic. A lot of people compare it to Coldplay but it's much rockier and more diverse to my ears. Definitely worth taking a risk, especially given a low introductory price at most stores. --Jason