thats a good one - theyre harder to come by now - just get a good solid brand but above all my biggest advice is FIND ONE THAT'S EASY TO GET NEW NEEDLES - oh man that is the worst. mail-ordering a 30+ dollar thing that you have to send the original? no good. maybe go for something generic theyll always carry at radio shack. haha jake (the power pop lot i warned you guys i'd post ;) ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 12:21 AM Subject: Re: OT sort of but I figured you folks would know (turntables) > This is a bit off topic but I wonder if you Auditeers can recommend a good > turntable and where to purchase it. My Technics warhorse just bit the dust after > 20+ years. Thanks in advance. >