Tom Hartman of the Aerovons announced a new album over on the CherrySmash list today -- Hi to All.... I wanted to drop by here to say how excited I am to announce that a follow up album to our first release is now being recorded. It was a thrill to have RPM give me the go ahead for this project, and we have been working quite hard on it. We are about a third of the way into the production and things sound really great. This time around I'm joined by fellow singer and player Bill Cruz who would have been with us in a heartbeat had he been around back then. Unfortunately I don't think he was born yet;) Bill is a Miami based composer who I have worked with in recent years on my commercial projects and I knew he would be a great addition. Right now we are shooting for a release just after the New Year. As we get close to finish, our website will be updated accordingly with news about the album, and I'll try to get back here as well. Thanks for those of you who have supported our first effort. I am continually amazed at the Emails I receive from all over the world by folks who have found something they enjoy in it. Thanks especially to JJ and Mark J. who have been very supportive of my music from the start, and most of all to Mark Stratford at RPM, who continues believe in what I do. More to come... Best, Tom Hartman --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.732 / Virus Database: 486 - Release Date: 7/29/04