The wrapup for the LA IPO '04 was a benefit show in Orange County to raise funds for VH1 Save the Music. A good cause to be sure, and a pretty fair-sized crowd for a Sunday evening, too. Fitzgerald's in Huntington Beach was the club that hosted the show, and they generously donated 100% of the door to the cause. Very cool! Even though one band didn't show---bastards---there was still plenty of swell pop to go around. I was particularly fond of local faves sparkle*jets uk (cool covers of The Masticators' "He's Coming Out" and ELO's "Above the Clouds"---Mike Simmons is a rawk god), John Hoskinson (smooth 'n' easy pop 'n' roll), The Irises (cool cover of "Roxy Roller") and the hugely talented Eugene Edwards. If you haven't bought Gene's debut record yet, what the hell are you waiting for? Funniest---and somehow the coolest---cover tune performed this evening was Led Zeppelin's "Communication Breakdown" by Scarlet Crush. French Toast at Norm's Rules! John B. np: "Bitch" - The Rolling Stones