Cathy Gale wrote: > Linda T..... How was last nights show? I am bummed that I missed that one. > Great line up. Seeing Linda T was awesome. It's been a few years. Other non-band Auditiers in attendence - Tim & Wade. I'm sorry to miss any others. Also special thanks to Jeff Sheltonfor who knows how much work he put in helping David with IPO SF. We spent most of our evening hanging with the Dairy Kings, Linda T, Wade & Tim. This was our only show, due to me having vocal chord surgery on Friday (how appropiate - & it went splendily thanks you ;>). Opening night was sparse, surprising for The Bottom Of The Hill. Publicity issues? Worst, SF crowds are the strange about attendence, showing up en-mass for one band then on to the next event - must be that smart mobs thing. Christy & I arrived in time to see most of Eric Blakely's set. Reminded me a bit of Barry Holdship, in a good songwriterish, twangy way. Would like to hear more. Jim Bassnight, who I hadn't seen in several years was more eclectic than I remembered. Less rock more quirk. Chris von Sneidern had the full band with the fine addition of guitarist Dave Gleason (looking skinnier than CvS!!) who played w/ Chris in the Sportsmen. CvS announced that his next record is done. Besides the hits was a rousing version of "Ooh Mama Mama". I love that song; so un CvS like. Oh, & Chris pulled a mini Ken Stringfellow & stripped to the waist on the finale. FUN! The Dairy Kings (Walter, Mike, Steve & Henry. Wyman) were next. In went the earplugs & shuffling went the feet. Wyman Reese on keyboards fills out the sound immensely. These guys are pros & the sound bears it out. My favorite song was the opener, a right-on cover of Nick Lowe's "Half a Boy & Half a Man" off Cowboy Outfit. Jeff Shelton has a new solo effort called the Well Wishers. Gone is the Shoes-like sound (interestingly a band he'd never heard until all the comparisons), replaced with a rockier, somewhat mod music. Jeff's a fine tunesmith and just keeps getting better. His 4 piece "band" (their 1st performance after 2 practices) more than held their own for the songs they played. He finished with solo acoustic which IMO never plays well in the IPO setting. Phamous Phaces --- what can I say? One of the finest live power-pop bands around. Nattily attired in black suits, sounding like a million bucks, superb harmonies, rotating leads. Though together for 10 years (knowing one another much, much longer), their classic power-pop sound never gets old. I would place them up with Phil Agnoti & The Idea and The Tearaways as must-see groups. They are completing a new record and passed out a credit-card sixed sampler which I'm anxious to hear on Monday's commute. Sadly we were worn out facing a 60 mile drive so we missed Easterly. It's tough being the last act at IPO, but Bash is set in his booking ways. I hope the other shows were/are better attended. I would love to see this become an annual event as Baypop has turned to dust. Over & out, - michael coxe, himself