I'm sorry, but I want to pay top dollar for my crap. Why? Because how else will they be able to afford to release MORE crap? C'mon...$24 US for a CD by another young girl with lyrics about how fucked up boys/parents/girlfriends are, and music by the two kids in A&R with bleached blonde streaks in their hair and attempted soul patches, last years Pro-Tools software, and a real cool idea about a soft part loud part reworking of any other piece of shit they wrote last year that got them this job and the cool Esplanade's they drive with license plates that read "LUK E FUK 1", and "LUK E FUK 2". Or one of those really cool new rock bands that Puddle Of Nickel Creed have spawned. Yessir...that's the ticket. bib Sitting On The Sidelines Watching The Radio And Record Industries Burn Themselves To The Ground And Listening To All The Wonderful Music That Will Be Released On Indie Labels And Played On Satellite Radio and iPods. bib ----- Original Message ----- From: "bryan" To: ; Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 12:09 AM Subject: Re: BMG Germany Introduces No-frills and Deluxe Versions of CDs > > So...let's see if we have this straight: > > > > $9.99 gets you crap music with no artwork. > > $12.99 gets you crap music with artwork and lyrics to crap songs > > $17.99 gets you crap music, artwork, lyrics to crap songs and a DVD filmed > > portion of how the crap was made. > > Yes, you've got it straight. Except, you have a fourth > choice from BMG -- > $.99 per song, pay for the download of each song on > the album, for a cost of over $17.99 for all of the songs, > but you get no artwork, lyrics or the DVD movie -- > Now that's givin' the consumer options! > > Bryan > > > --- > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). > Version: 6.0.734 / Virus Database: 488 - Release Date: 8/4/04