> And Joe Simpson, her dad...he's amazing...the new Murray >Wilson, only born-again and with better marketing skills. actually, there was a great interview with him in the back page of a recent Billboard magazine, very good... funny stuff about how in his world, when people say they're going to do something they do it, but in the music world..... hahahaaaa... anyway.... he came across as pretty sharp in a folksy way.... and is managing other artists! the beatles thread.... there will always be a lightning rod that gives kids/youth the impetus for change and kick off a trend and music sometimes is a factor... Elvis and the beatles made it cool to be cool... they came ready made with a lifestyle, clothing, shoes, shirts, mores, etc... it transcended the music to the point where, at times, the music didn't matter as much as being part of that wave at that moment... witness disco, grunge, metal, the new garage rock, etc etc.... i mean, the elvis albums were awful mish-mashes... but remember... the album was NOT a factor in music until the late 60s, it was all about the single... until I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan, i don't think music was a topic of discussion with me and my classmates... that very next day, EVERYONE was talking about The Beatles... and seeing A Hard Day's Night - wow! seeing Duran Duran at The El Mocambo on their first tour - wow!! Andy Taylor - buy his solo cd for $1 whenever you can! seeing The Ramones for the first time - wow!!! on that first tour, wow!! everybody in the audience started a band that night! seeing Patti Smith on her first national tour (her first lp cover come to life) - wow!!! etc etc.... first Vanilla Ice tour.... wow!! how did he blow THAT?! the musical epiphanies now are rapid fire - Avril, Britney, Christina, Eminem, 50cent... OUTKAST! it's all good... all impacting culturally... even the dour nu-metal whiners but i respect it all for what it is and what it's doing.... keeping music moving forward... or at least getting kids excited about music again... how does the music stand up now going back.... some is ok, some not... the Beatles first album is lame next to the first Stones but the Beatles singles blast the Stones out any day.... but it comes to this.... how long can you keep the quality up and fresh? the beatles kept it fresh and interesting until it wasn't interesting to them any more.... anyway.... oh, yeah.... Spice Girls.... how did they blow THAT?! Ralph Alfonso just one novelty hit and all these bills will disappear!!