Gregory Sager signed out with: talkin' 'bout lots of generations Michael quickly tosses in: Funny that you would sign out with that song reference and lyrics as well because I just saw for the first time in concert last night - THE WHO. It was loud! This is the first time that I wore earplugs to a performance. I'm glad that I did bring those little sponge things to stick in my ear. I had front row off to the side with amps directly in front of me. The bass and drums were at a volume I didn't know could ever be reached. That being said - it was a great show. I was surprised that they played "I Can't Explain" and "The Kids Are Alright". I was expecting just a bunch of songs like "Won't Get Fooled Again" or "Who Are You" that would go on for 15 minutes each. I really was amazed that they played quite a bit of those two to three minute early pop records. Zak Starkey was incredible on the drums. From where I was sitting, I couldn't help but see how much he looked like his dad. I was also unaware that Pete's younger brother Simon was part of the band now. Another first for my concert attendance - the merchandise booth was selling a t-shirt for $50! Aloha, Michael McCartney KEAO / KONI / KPMW now playing: "1985" - Bowling For Soup"