At Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 11:52:54 Judith wrote: >It's BC DAY here today in my Province. There's something about the >libraries being closed that makes me salivate for a good book. Here's a few >of my summer picks, one just ordered from the library. > >Any other good reads out there? Currently I'm juggling Keith Tipping's "The Compleat Clash" and Joe (DOA) Kiethley's "I, Shithead" BTW - It's "Simcoe Day" here in Ontario.....that's the day that Lord Simcoe rammed a row-boat into the side of the Scarborough Bluffs in 1796 after consuming an entire bottle of Scotch and declared "we've sailed back across the Atlantic and crashed into the Cliffs of f--kin' Dover, mates!"