... to help kickstart record sales for my band's (Milkshake Jones) LP. We received this lovely evaluation from the good folks at the AllMusic Guide: Review by Mark Deming Here in the 21st century, there are still bands out there playing Byrds-influenced power pop, and Milkshake Jones' debut EP proves that's not a bad thing at all. Between Mark Burke's oft-times ringing guitar leads and John Micek's sweet but angst-y tunes, this disc suggests the latter days of Roger McGuinn's most memorable ensemble filtered through the crunchier influence of the Windbreakers, but the energy of the performances, the snap of Paul Murr's drums, and the reportorial style of Micek's lyrics give this band a voice that's decisively their own. Between the party out of bounds of "Daylight Savings Time," the lovely obsessions of "The Sweetheart of College Radio," and the against-the-odds romance of "Between the Lines," Micek has a sharp eye as a lyricist, and his band gives his songs the right balance of color and weight. A more than promising debut. 4.5 of 5 stars. returning you to your regularly scheduled programming, john http://www.milkshakejones.com http://www.paisleypop.com