Hey folks, I don't recall us discussing this album already, so I thought I'd throw it out there: About a month ago I picked up the Bangles' new album "Doll Revolution" and I think it's gonna end up in my Top 10 of the year. I was not a huge Bangles fan in the '80s, although I liked their singles. This new release, however, is REALLY cool. Great harmony vocals, tasty jangly guitars, and very melodic and diverse. It reminds me a lot of the best Rembrandts' work. The producer is one of my faves, Brad Wood, who has done great work with other girl-pop acts like Liz Phair, Veruca Salt, That Dog, etc. It's the dictionary definition of power pop....very hooky and bright, but with a garagey rock edge. The title track was written by Elvis Costello for a TV show that never aired, and it ROCKS. Another standout track is a minor-key mid-tempo song called "Single by Choice" about being an unmarried adult....very interesting tune with a subject that could've been very clumsy and awkward and cheesy, but instead turns out very personal and poignant. There are a couple Susannah Hoffs ballads (a la "Eternal Flame") that are quite pretty, and seems like they could be hits nowadays too. The disc also came with a bonus DVD with some cool stuff on it, especially audio from the Bangles' first 45 RPM single back in the early early 80s. Jonathan Rundman http://www.jonathanrundman.com