I wasn't gonna comment on the Beatles chain I helped create as I felt kinda bad that some of the discussion was getting a bit too heated... but after reading this well intended comment I just had to chime in with two more pennies.. >I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that my Aunt and many other Beatle fans of the day were not really that different than any teenager today who's into the current hot, fashionable group< ...And I say this with respect... I'm sure your Aunt is a pretty music knowledgeable and enjoys a good tune, but the above comment cannot be the umbrella under which all first-generation Beatle fans (or any singer/group fan for that matter) be placed under... I'm not saying you're implying this; but rather just wanted to make it clear (as I'm sure you know) that one person's experience (or 1,000 people for that matter) doesn't mean that everyone was into the Beatles because of a semi-sexual-teeny-bopper experience... It's a well known fact that many teenage girls probably were focusing more on the puppylove-sexual vibes that these new "teenage idols" were sending their way... For some, JPG&R were just the next Ricky Nelsons and some fans, yes would buy the records, but more for pin-up reasons than the music itself... The thing is that The Beatles were, as we know and has been discussed here, much more than any "current, hot, fashionable group" ... Yes you're right about that analysis for a time such as this... but back then you have to take into consideration the fact that something bigger than all of us had taken place when that PanAm jetliner landed at JFK a cold winter day in February of 1964... It was decided and announced then and there... "All girls just seeking a teenager idol please stand to the left" ... Everybody else, yeah the boys too, front and center please.... Cheers, Miguel