this whole Beatles were just another rock band thread leads to the thought- no Beatles = no audities list = no pop music landscape as we know it. It was the Beatles success that made it possible for everyone else to jump on the bandwagon and labels signing up every mop top in sight that made it possible for a lot of bands we love to exist and survive (the crappy ones flailed - the good ones moved on) What one thinks of the Beatles themselves is a moot point - they made the whole thing possible just as Elvis made Gene Vincent possible, etc, etc... The rock landscape would be radically different.... The Stones would have broken up long ago and/or stumbled around the British R&B circuit for a few years still doing covers... Pink Floyd and psychedelia and all that.... may have happened but in a decidedly different way... anyway... interesting to think about.... what if the Beatles didn't happen? Discouraged by their flop early singles in Canada and the US, The Beatles broke up and/or stayed a unique British phenomenon ala Cliff Richard, etc.. eventually hosting a kids morning show... Ed Sullivan, meanwhile, at the airport, couldn't believe the wild reception that.... The Shadows! were getting and promptly got them booked for a North American debut..... UK instrumental groups invade America!!! The Shadows movie converts America to the hip new "instro" sounds - Jim McGuinn & gang see the film in LA and immediately start up The Byrdseeds, a unique folk instrumental combo. The Beach Boys "stack o tracks" LP is a multi-million seller as the US instro combos strike back at the Brits... and here on the Instroteers list, Jaimie Vernon has raised a hornet's nest of controversy by suggesting The Shadows were no big deal..... ralph alfonso meanwhile suggests anyone involved in the Latin Boogaloo scene is not a real musician..... Dig that crazy Bongo Beat! Visit my web site Http://