> > http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/artist/glance/-/78956/104-1724804- > 8512730 > > Bruce, you 70s closet guy, you have to know something about this! Well, no closet living for me w/ early/mid 70-'s hard rock that has a strong melodic, song driven touch. Cactus....mini-supergroup, at the time, a bonafide SUPERgroup as it featured Jim McCarty(Mitch Ryder & Detroit Wheels) Tm Bogert and Carmine Appice, who then went onto join Jeff Beck for Beck, Bogert & Appice who released one GREAT slab of Beck-driven bluesy hard rock(and a cool Japanese only live album) after Cactus broke up. This debut IS the one to get, though.....verymuch one of the better hard rock albums of 1970(if I recall correctly..think that's the year it came out)...the albums that followed meanered and suffered from weak song writing but the Rhino best of from the 90's did a very good job working around that problem and is a great intro to the band. Either oen of these for anyone w/ an interest in this sort of thing will yield some cool discovery, imho. :-) If I recall correctly, one of the other (more unknown)guitarists was murdered in a drug dead gone bad*(he was a dealer) in the 80's...he played w/ the Amboy Dukes(more fuel for Nugent's anti-drug stance) but I can't remember his name....sure it's on AMG. I'd check if I could use it, Mac guy that I am. (Ahhhh!!!!) Mozilla here I come! Peace, Bruce @ Not Lame