Hey, great discussions lately (this Beatle's one and a few others)! I have little to add that has not been said. On the one side, I have had moment's like Stewart and others described in sharing my "holy grail" of music with someone. I remember when my nephew's were into the alternative scene. I brought out my Mat's discs to share with them and was certain they would be blown away with my truth of the true masters. They collectively yawned. However, I think, as others have stated, the impact The Beatles had is larger then any other band in Rock and Roll band. Again, we can over state their importance but I think we can understate it easily too, when considering the timing and cultural impact they had (as Josh has stated). Mike B said. snip --Yes and no -- compare this to how people react to Citizen Kane -- granted, not the same 'stands for a generation' appeal, but it's been called the greatest movie ever for so long, that I know a lot of people who have found that to be a turn off. Yet, for that very reason, it is why so many new viewers gravitate towards it. I like this comparison Mike made. I hope I'm not altering his intentions too much. But, I've heard many people who seek out "Citizen Kane" and come away saying "Overrated" or "Eh, It's OK". Well, the reason for this, IN PART (IMO) is per so much has happened in film SINCE Citizen Kane. Its influence has been felt and is still felt in film whether or not it hold up as the "Greatest Film" ever made. Again, its complete impact is only fully appreciated in it's moment in time and the immediate impact it had at that time and understanding the impact it still has today, to a less overt degree. The further we get from it's release the less it's impact is felt but it's still there. (Again, however, like music or any art form Kane had influences before it). Conversely, some see KANE and say "THIS IS THE GREATEST FILM" and when pressed, acknowledge it's shades, tones and camera angles, and yes, if pressed, it's influence. However, anyone could easily make arguments for other films being better per their film doing what Welles did but to their eye's more effectively, or simply feeling their fav movie "works" better then Kane for what ever reason. Thus, I think the "greatest film" sometimes is overstated per this influence. Here's where I get even more subjective. Now, Kane vs. Beatles impact. I would argue that Kane as a viewing experience is a great film and "could" be argued as the greatest film in terms of historical impact. However, I think it's honestly, harder to argue in terms of greatest film if you NOT talking about its historical impact. (Great film mind you but to me not the greatest separate from it's impact). Conversely, I think in rock, to me it's hard to deny the significant impact the Beatles had and continue to have in R-n-R music. Separate from their historical impact (as Josh said) another and different argument is whether they are the best band of all time. Obviously, very subjective but I think one could argue this point pretty well, separate from the historical or cultural impact they had. Whew, ramble done.. Steve D (In conclusion, your all right)