Any Roger McGuinn fans out there? (Hope I'm not alone)... I love to plug what I consider to be exciting CD releases and at the same time give the artist a hand (as if Mcguinn needed one)... But this is great news for Byrds/Mcguinn fans... Mr. M has recently recorded at his home studio and indie released his new CD titiled "Limited Edition" ( ... This is pure jingle-jangle Byrds at its best... ...Here's another tip... There is a copy of this CD autographed by McGuinn on Ebay going for roughly $25... I picked on up from this seller and the autograph alone is worth the price of admission... The music on it is pure jingle jangle... McGuinn pays homage to his inspiration George Harrison by opening the CD with "If I Needed Someone"... Here's the Ebay link... ... ...Well I don't get a red cent from the previous shamless, but I do derive enjoyment from sharing great music news like this... Enjoy! Cheers, Miguel