<< I think recording studios should be equipped to start offering MP3 downloads of songs the second the final mixes are done upon approval of the acts and labels. You could theoretically keep an act in the recording studio indefinitely, because the payback revenue stream would be INSTANT. Hook up a webcam....follow your guys through the recording process and the prize at the end of the session is the finished recording to purchase.....or offer monitor mixes at a 1/4 the cost. Would fans be willing to pay $0.10 per day to see their favourite bands' work-in progress? No mastering, no manufacturing, no promotion, no marketing installation....just record and release. >> Jaimie? To M'Lou Music is already nearly a year towards launching exactly this. Just building the facilities, and getting our "house band" together; Lemme know if Bullseye (and/or you too, Bruce!) ever wanna get involved, yessirs, Gary "The Sounds -- AND Sights -- Of Tomorrow, to update Mr. Gordy Jr." Pig