Well, just got back from the "ghetto" .. excuse me.. Fais Do Do .. and I thought I'd post a few observations about the shows the last couple of nights. Let's see.. Well, first of all Friday night's show was the unofficial Eugene Edwards CD release party and he got to do a full set. Even though he went on an hour late, I didn't mind. His new CD is going to be high on my year end list. The night kicked off with a solo performance from Chuck Lindo of the American Professionals. I really enjoyed this guy and for the second time in a week, an IPO artist covered a TV theme song. This time, it was a short version of "Super Chicken" (which he says will be up on his website sometime soon). I picked up the CD but haven't had a chance to listen yet. After two bands that were just "ehhh" for me, Barefoot Bride and Stellar (who were anything but, in my opinion), I didn't know what to expect from this band called Jupiter Sunrise, but I was pleasantly surprised. They even hopped offstage and went into the audience to sing an acoustic song called "Steal Me" (which you can find on their website to download by the way). Tonight, I got down to the club about 7pm and noticed a bunch of film trucks set up. Actually, to go back to the night before, I had seen posted around the area some pink "permit to film" stickers so I figured something had at least been going on. It turns out, they were shooting a Velvet Revolver music video next door and were using the club for a holding area for the band. The only band member I saw was Slash, and he was in and out of the place until they wrapped at 10 pm. David got a "nod" of acknowledgement from him on his way out. I think they shared a common "hat" bond or something like that. :) Rodney Bingenheimer was also in attendance (for the film shoot I guess) and came inside to watch some of the bands. The first band tonight was a no - show. I don't remember their name but I put a voodoo curse on them for not showing up. Tonight is sort of a long blur, but the night ended with 3 bands from the Kiss or Kill "collective" .. The Dollyrots (my favorite band at Nashville IPO), Bang Sugar Bang (aka "the wettest band in L.A.") and The Randies. All three were good, although the mix was a little bad for the Dollyrots and Randies. I couldn't hear the vocals hardly at all. I picked up CD's by Peachfuzz, Trainwrecks, Bang Sugar Bang.. some others (like I said it's a blur).. Tonight was my last night working merch but I plan on attending at least 4 more shows.. Arthur "Sugar" Bang http://www.thepickle.net/ new music streaming 24 hrs a day online